A Magical Evening | Bridal Shoot


I find the Ten Acre Garden through a Google search for Sunflowers, the floral centerpiece of my daughter’s wedding. When I call, they are kind enough to allow us free access to their beautiful location, and even leave the restroom open so Annalyse can change into her lovely dress.

On the day of the shoot, it threatens rain, even on the drive to the Ten Acre Garden. Accompanied by my wife, Melanie, and Marianne VanWingerden, a friend and amazing photographer, we arrive, the sun peeks out, and it feels to us like God’s grace.

In the beautiful soft warm light of evening, I photograph Marianne photographing my lovely daughter. In the ecstasy of creating art, we shoot until the twilight of this magical evening.

Set to Nat King Cole’s “Unforgettable” here is a video featuring Marianne’s singularly beautiful art.